Are You Suffering From Poor Results In Your Life? It May Be Time To Check Your Thoughts

Luke 11:3 NLT
Give us each day the food we need,

*Special Note: I wrote this at the beginning of the Covid19 pandemic, for reference to my thinking.

Where is my faith?

Have I been out in the stores stocking up just in case?

God’s people have faced many situations where food was scarce, but God always provided His people enough.

In the desert, God provided food from heaven, manna, with instructions to only take enough for the day, and if too much were gathered, it would rot.

Jesus fed crowds of 4000 men (probably around 12 to 15 thousand with women and children) and 5000 (probably around 15 to 20 thousand with women and children), with a few loaves and fish.

Jesus can multiply the visible into enough to feed us until we are full.

Is my faith in God based on the visible supply I see on the grocery shelves, or is my faith in God alone?

Honestly, I am ashamed I even let these thoughts of scarcity and fear enter my mind.

Heavenly Father, forgive me for my lack of faith in You.

I know You will provide me with everything I need to fulfill Your mission.

I ask You to strengthen me in faith and don’t allow my lack of faith feed into the fear of scarcity of the visible supply.

I am grateful for and faithful to the power of Jesus Christ to supply me with everything I need.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen!! 🙏❤️

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